Quantum is in the capacity-building business.

We help healthcare service provider organizations to develop their internal capacity to transform themselves using world-leading tools, processes and methodologies developed by Quantum and our strategic partners, Quantum Innovations of Austin Texas, and Clearpath of Seattle, Washington.


Our extensive 15-year R & D program in the fields of strategic healthcare transformation and patient/client-centred care in Canada and the United States has enabled us to develop a fully integrated world-leading approach to patient-centred healthcare transformation.

We believe that our remarkable track record has been achieved because of our approach to innovation, our breakthrough systems thinking tools and our adult learning methodologies. The model that produces the best results is an 18-month capacity-building partnership with the CEO – involving everyone in management. This ideal model can be adjusted to meet an organization’s unique needs and circumstances.

We support CEO’s and Boards by providing systems thinking-based tools for strategy development, strategy execution, patient/client experience design and strategic learning.

This is the “science” of transformation. The “art” is in customizing everything to meet the unique needs of each client. We bring the science, you create your own art with our coaching support and proven methods for strategic transformation and organizational alignment.


Compare the Capacity-Building Model with the Expert Consulting Model

Capacity building vs consulting - Approach

Capacity Building vs Consulting - Outcomes
